I was in touch with an old friend last night. Well, really my friend was her sister but she died this last summer and so I talk to her sister often now. She was the little sister who always told on us. interesting we never learned though because we did stuff in front of her knowing she would tell. HA! Reminds me of my crazy kids.
I want to share the story because I guess I need to put it in writing to pass through some of it maybe. This girl and I were friends since grade two or three it has been so long I can't really remember exactly. We lost contact after I moved from Colorado still God's hand was in it one day and when walking out of a conventient store in my new town she was there and saw me and the conversatoins began again. We were friends through the birth of our children, marital troubles etc. She was one of those people I didn't talk to everyday but when we chatted it was like we had talked yesterday.
Her husband suffered from alcoholism and on Memorial day he killed himself they ruled it an accident because there was so much alcohol in his system they said they can't be sure he meant to do all those drugs. however, he had recently been in a mental health institution that he set himself on fire in and so the family believed it was suicide. I don't know what I think he was selfish I think if he knew he was going to die he would have done it in her driveway so get revenge. Revenge for what? Well she was working with AA who said when he was drunk he couldn't stay with her so she sent him away that fateful day when he came by because he was drunk he looked at their 14 year old son and said this is the last time you will see me alive. Something he said frequently in his drunken stupers. She kept saying she was going to divorce him she couldn't handle it, he was tearing her up but she knew the reason she felt this was because she still loved him. Then last year on Memorial day he died.
Now my friend had tremendous guilt, along with health problems that she was takng various pain pills herself (unbeknown to me) I knew she took them on occasion I did not know that she was also addicted, along with Mariuana (sp) then the doctors gave her more things to help her sleep and wake up etc. After all that she and her son were going through her mom ended up in the hospital with what they thought was cancer. I talked with her on the pohne and told her I was here for her, I fought cancer myself and I knew that things can happen and it was probably treatable and just wait. Her mom was unconscious for days but did come out of it and it wasn't cancer it was virus or something like that. In the meantime the was about 6 weeks after her husbands death she was very depressed. I told her I would call her after my families 50th wedding anniversary. I started to call her on Sunday but decided to wait I guess because I didn't want to be interupted by the kids in the car etc. I really don't know but I called her all day on Monday and never got an answer. Then that afternoon I got my state results on my interpreting exam and my level didn't go up (very depressing) and the day passed by I tried to call to cry to her and talk to her but never could reach her.
The next morning my parents called my husband to tell him that her mother was fine now and home from the hospital I felt a lot of relief. However we play this game I have good news and bad news like...the good news is we have an Ark the bad news is the world is going to flood. You get the idea, well if her mom being home was the good news what was the bad news it ( I thought it is worse than cancer) and I was told then that she had shot herself in the head. She died almost instantly which was why I couldn't reach her she did this Sunday night. Two adults left a 14 year old son with no one (well he had his aunt and grandmom but he wanted a parent). I quickly realized my test was nothing. I cried for about 6 months off and on, my life went on because it has too and I know new my father in heaven would bring me peace. The peace is sometimes like a balloon I let go of like right now as I approach her one year of death and the little sister who told on us calls to tell me how much she misses her. The boy ran away and is in a boys home now.
Well here is the upbeat part of the story I told my other friend that she had to get her alcoholic husband help to save herself, him and the kids. She confronted him and although it is a daily battle he is trying most the time. It is better then before and that boy is in a home in the same state as that girl and she works in a different home but has many Christian connections where he is and I know his live will get better. His story is already helping others and God brought all of us together in this great big world. First it tells me how good he is and second it tells me how small this great big world is.
I am sad today, but I know that the Joy comes in the morning. PTL! I hope teling someone on here about this story they will know suicide isn't the answer and that if they want to you only have to remember the joy will come in the morning so start looking for it now and hole on to that balloon of hope that carries you over these tough times because letting go of it you will fall and although God catches us the people left here feel your fall. Everyone has someone to love them if we will only ask. Sorry for the sad story but hopefully it will speak to who it is meant too.