love to chat

Focus Focus Focus... Not my strong point. Instead I enjoy life regardless of my focus.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Another Day

My home life has been crazy. Then God kindly pointed out to me (through
a friend) that it is easy to look to others to meet our needs. Still
just like I would do anything to protect my kids or my marriage and I
get jealous (I know not Godly) still I do when women try to trap my
family I drop in and let them no its not allowed.
God is also a jealous God. Not in a fleshly way or a bad way but he
will do whatever he needs to in order to get us to refocus on him. I'm
not sure if I completely lost focus but I do know it never hurts to go
to him more in a day or spend more time with him. So in the midst of
the tears, occassional insane laughter and stress I'm trying to not
stray but focus on him.
My blessing for today is that my family is here for me even when we
don't get along; also, when my son came to me yesterday and said, "mom
tomorrow is another new day and it might even be better. I love you and
will see you in the morning." He made me smile when all I could feel was
numb. Thank you God for the gift of my kids and family. I may not
understand them always but I love them just the same and I'm grateful
you picked us to go together.


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