love to chat

Focus Focus Focus... Not my strong point. Instead I enjoy life regardless of my focus.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


The wildest thing happened to me today. I had a tough day at times yesterday, but the Lord kept me moving forward. I kept asking for a sign or something that would tell me what to do and so anyway, I was getting ready for church this morning and I ran back into the house to get a notebook for the paper and I grabbed the first one I saw. I had to look in it because I never know if my 10 year old angel will have used all the paper or not. Anyway, I opened it and saw a receipt so I took it out to look at it and it was the receipt to when I went to Las Vegas and married my hubby. We had a wedding later but we went ot Vegas in order to marry and not live in sin before the wedding. Anyway, it was a receipt to the church and the cost of the wedding it was really bizarre and such a blessing from God. I don't know what it means just yet and things aren't changing as far as the eyes can see, but I know God did that because that was in Dec. of 1994 why else would I still have a spiral and that receipt except for God. It was amazing and God is so good.

Happy New Years Eve to everyone we will be staying in and safe adn watching tv on my bed tonight. Pray for our finances I need to come up with 1,200 to pay for the first attorney fees and after that they will file an injunction Kevin to pay the rest. I don't want to file for divorce so I am filing for a legal seperation so he has to give us money. He is paying the bills but giving us nothing right now as far as cash goes. So, I have to take care of myself and the kids. Please pray God tells me how to get that together. Thanks everyone.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Still kicking

Hi all,
It has been awhile I know. Life is full of so many changes and sometimes time gets away from me. I am not going to lie and say I haven't dealt with some depression I have. Well, let me restate that, God has been carrying me through different days of depression. Still the depression is being dealt with big time.
A man at my church gave me some great advice, that I should pray for myself and my kids and allow the church and friends and bloggers lift up my husband. That way I don't have to focus on his lifestyle and choices. I would ask you all pray that God reveals himself and that K's heart is softened enough to hear him. He has walked completely away from the Lord.
However, as we know God will turn all things that are meant for bad into good. Things are scarey but through this I have learned more and more exactly what trusting what I can't see is really about. God is growing me in my walk with him everyday. I am more aware of my spirit then ever before and many other things are taking place in my life. I still goof up and I call people for prayer when I am weak but I am up and kicking. I would love to kick that man, but I am trying not to expend that kind of energy on him. Don't get me wrong I still love him very very much and I am devastated that Satan is destroying my marriage, but I know this isn't about me and Kevin it is much bigger. I also know that God is even bigger and when this is all done my only prayer is that the result glorifies him and doesn't horrify him. If you know what I mean.
I can only be responsible for me but I am asking each and every one of you to lift Kevin up in prayer. I am not asking my marriage me restored, I am asking for God's will. Now I believe God's will is that someday we reunite I can't sit and wait there is too much to be done. I will be going to court soon and I want to keep my house and get a lot of support from Kevin financially I believe it is a consequence for his choices. His new lady is only out for money and the less he has the easier it will be for her to continue in her past lifestyle. She only stays til the money is gone.
Please pray I am a light in the world especially in all I do in front of my kids and my soon to be ex-husband. It isn't what I want but I can't stand in God's way and he can't work on Kevin when he doesn't want to be worked on and as long as I am in the picture with our spirits clashing on almost every visit. He has pretty much stopped seeing the kids although he says he will come on his weekend, he never can so the kids are getting used to it already but I want all of them lifted in prayer. I want to know on the days I am too weak to remember everything that you all have us on every prayer chain in America so not one minute of one day goes by that he isn't being prayed for. I no longer pray for protection for him I pray for revelation. Understand he has told me I was a mistake and I am his enemy that this adultery is God's will then in the same sentence he tells my kids he knows he is walking with the Devil.
Still I know that God is with me like never before and I am so grateful to everyone for their prayers and love. Please keep it up because the war we are in will most likely get bigger before it gets better and as I look to Jesus I need all teh support we can get. I know my thoughts still aren't very organized but there is a bunch at once and as I write more Monday I hope to start becoming clearer again.
Good night!